Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Where are the O’Donnell Democrats?

In the two weeks since Christine O’Donnell won the Delaware Republican nomination for U.S. Senate, the mainstream media has been in full attack mode against the “Tea Party Favorite”. To hear them tell it, Christine is incapable of managing her personal finances and is a flake besides.

So how come more Democrats don’t support her?

Christine O'Donnell

We learned from the Delaware News Journal that in 2008, Christine defaulted on the mortgage on her Wilmington home. I expected Democrats to sympathize with her status as a victim of predatory lenders. But so far they have just scorned and ridiculed her.

We also learned that the IRS filed a lien against her this spring, claiming she owes nearly $12,000 from the 2005 tax year. Thus she joins Democrat Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and Democrat New York Congressman Charlie Rangel in the ranks of politicians with tax trouble. We’ve heard from their party that these gentlemen are indispensable to the nation, so I expected the Democrats to declare that the republic cannot survive without Christine O’Donnell. But so far, they continue to scorn and ridicule her.

Then we learned, courtesy of a video from Bill Maher, that Christine once “dabbled” in witchcraft. According to wicca.org, “Witchcraft (Wicca Craeft), is also called Wicca, or alternatively, The Craft…The Craft is a way of life that investigates every potential that you have. The Craft draws its strength from the diversity of Nature itself; indeed it rejoices in diversity.” Nature. Diversity. Realizing potential. It sounds like the Democrat Party platform. So I expected the Democrats to support Christine for this too. And still, they scorn and ridicule her. At least we learned Bill Maher is still alive.

Mortgage deadbeat, tax cheat, Wiccan. Christine is everything the Democrats say they believe in. I just don’t understand why they have not embraced her. Maybe it’s because she moved out of the home she couldn’t afford and into a rental town house. Maybe it’s because she says that her tax problems are a “mistake” and that “The IRS agent handling my audit was even perplexed by that questionable lien notice”. Maybe it’s because she is now a Christian. Or maybe it’s because, while she did have problems, she overcame them by her own effort, without becoming a dependent of Big Government. And that, from the Democrats’ point of view, is truly deserving of scorn and ridicule.


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