Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Scott Brown Wants You...to Volunteer

A new poll is out about the January 19 Massachusetts Special Election for U.S. Senate. The results underscore the important role that volunteers will play in determining the outcome.

The Rasmussen poll is a mixed bag for GOP candidate Scott Brown. They show him trailing Democrat Martha Coakley among likely voters 50% to 41%. But here’s the good news for the Republican:

- Brown is closing the gap. Before the November primary, he trailed Coakley 58% to 27%. Now the gap is down to single digits.
- Massachusetts voters aren’t slaves to political parties. The majority of the electorate are independents, and they decide who wins. Among independent voters, Brown leads Coakley 65% to 21%.
- Among those who are “absolutely certain” they will vote, Coakley leads Brown by only 2% - well within the sampling error. “It is clear from the data,” says the report, that Brown’s supporters are more enthusiastic.”
- Coakley is hard to like. 22% of likely voters have a “very unfavorable” opinion of her, compared to 5% for Brown.

The report also observes, “Special elections are typically decided by who shows up to vote”. That’s where you come in.

The candidate who wins this election will likely be the one whose organization is more effective at getting out the vote. The Brown campaign needs workers to man the phone banks and spread the message about the importance of going to the polls on the 19th. Please volunteer to help with this important effort. To find out how, go to http://brownbrigade.ning.com/

The Republicans in the U.S. Senate need just one more vote to shut down the Democrats’ takeover of banking, manufacturing, and health care. We in Massachusetts have the opportunity to give them that vote by electing Scott Brown on January 19. But to make that happen, we all need to do our parts.


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